Traveling to Your Bachelorette Party? Top 5 Foods to Bring on the Plane

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Destination bachelorette parties are always so exciting! Being able to spend some valuable time with your best of friends and family is such an amazing experience to cherish.

At the same time, the stress of packing and air travel while worrying about your upcoming wedding can definitely put a damper on not only the entire occasion, but your nutrition goals as well.

Unnecessary levels of stress can lead to mindless snacking, which will only leave you feeling even further behind in your desired progress. Not to mention, nearly all airports are filled with quick-service, calorie-dense meal options that not only hinder your nutrition plan, but they also lack the protein and vitamins needed to replenish your energy levels, especially when traveling! 

The best idea is to head to the supermarket a day or two before you fly out. At your local grocery stores you’ll be able to get a better range of options than those kiosks, you’ll have better access to fresh foods and if you need to you’ll be able to pack everything down into snack bags.

Airplane food is notorious for being cold, uninspiring and lacking in flavor. Unless you’re on a long flight, you can often thank the flight attendant but skip the meal service all together in favor of healthy airplane snacks. Just make sure you’re eating healthy meals on either side of your journey. These will taste so much better anyway!

Make sure you’re consuming water during your flight. It’ll not only help you discern thirst from hunger, it’ll help make sure you’re balancing out the dehydrating process of flying too. Check and see what the requirements are for your flight and whether you need to buy water on board or if you can take water through security.

You might think that it’s a bit silly to pack extra snacks in your carry on, but this is an excellent way to stay on track, keep your energy levels up, and make sure that you’re staying satisfied in a healthy way! 

Top 5 Foods to Bring on the Plane for Your Bachelorette Party


These slim, conveniently-packaged snacks don’t take up a lot of space and never fail to keep us full in-between meals. A good trick is to choose a kid's size or lower calorie bar if this is just a snack to tide you over to the next meal. Look for protein bars that you’ve used before and are high in nutrients. These can be a great option to help you feel full and avoid the unhealthy snacks at the airport. I love the options at Trader Joe’s so definitely check out what they have before the day of your flight. I know there will often be options at the airport, but I never know what the quality will be. So I always make sure I have a few of my favorites in my bag.


This is a great natural option if you’re looking for unprocessed food. Make sure you take a moment to think about what is easy to pack. This works best with fruit that can be transported and consumed as a whole, such as apples, bananas, nectarines, peaches, blueberries, etc. There are so many options, no matter what the season. It’s a great idea to pack a small ziplock bag to pack away any peels, cores or stones until you’re able to access a trash can. If you’re worried about packing fresh fruit in your bag, dried fruit is another excellent option to avoid bruising! Keep in mind that dried fruit packs a lot of calories and sugar, so try to look for brands that don't add additional sweeteners. 


While different types of nuts can offer different benefits, they’re all relatively healthy and wonderful on-the-go snacking options. My favorite is a mix of almonds, cashews and brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are high in selenium which is important for your metabolism. Have a look at the trail mix options that contain fruits or dark chocolate if you’d like a little sweetness. You still want to make sure the bulk of the portion is nuts however. We’re here for the nuts not all the additions! Even though it's a little more packaging, buying single-serving packs of nuts is a great way to handle portion control with this higher calorie snack. Or purchase in a larger quantity and break into smaller bags. This can be a great idea to make sure you’ve got some servings for the journey home too. Another option is to purchase single serves of peanut butter. It’s a great healthy snack that is specifically designed to travel well. You can pick your favorite - crunch or smooth!


For those who like a bit of “crunch” to their in flight snack, try to select “chip” options that aren't necessarily traditional chips - such as kale, beet, seaweed, cucumber, and carrot crisps. Double check the ingredients and look for a brand that is gluten free to avoid unnecessary additives. You can pre-purchase larger bags and then break down into servings of 3.4 ounces for yourself. If you’ve tried one before and didn’t like it, the various vegetables do have really different flavors! Check the amount of additives as you don’t want to be eating mostly salt. Make sure you’ve got your water bottle filled up too.


Another good low-calorie snack is turkey or beef jerky - this snack is non-perishable (it doesn't go bad for a long time), and it's super filling. You can get a variety of flavors - and many are now made organic and without additives. It’s a great way to travel with meat at room temperature without worrying about it going bad. You can experiment with trying different meats as well as different flavorings. It’s another great option that you can throw in your suitcase and pull out for that return flight home where you might not be as organized.

Which is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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