Wedding Weight Loss Motivation

How to Stay On Track on the Weekends

You are absolutely gorgeous just as you are - but if your goal is to lose weight for your big day, you’ve come to the right place! I will help you get motivated to lose weight in a HEALTHY way. 

My goal is to help you lose those extra pounds not just for the wedding, but to make these changes for the long term, even for life.

I know it can seem tough - I struggled with my own weight loss journey for years. But as I studied nutrition science in school and coached hundreds & hundreds of women one-on-one, I learned how to combine biology with actual human behavior for sustainable change.

There are a lot of ways to lose weight when getting ready for your wedding. You might start a new exercise routine or work with a personal trainer. You will certainly change your eating habits and maybe even put together a pre-wedding diet plan for fat loss. You’ll likely decide how many times a week you allow yourself to indulge in a dessert or a drink.

Most importantly, if you want to lose weight you need to set weight loss goals. Real numbers and real dates. You need to know how much weight you want to lose and in what timeline.

I strongly urge you to avoid the fad diets and to set realistic goals for your weight loss journey. This is best done by creating healthy habits. And healthy habits are about a lot more than diet and exercise.

Wedding Weight Loss Motivation

What motivates us to stick with our goals???


You may be surprised at that answer - but it’s true! We do anything in life because we want to feel a certain way.

We buy or rent a specific house based on how we feel when we are in it. We buy clothing based on how comfortable or cute we feel while wearing them. We even choose our friends based on how we feel when we are with them. So much of life is dictated by how we feel.

So, think about the feeling that you want to have on your wedding day.

Is everyone smiling at you? Do you feel amazing in your wedding dress? Do you not have to worry about what angle the camera gets you at? Do you not want to have to worry about sucking in your stomach?

It may seem silly to say these things out loud, but it’s not! Verbalizing our fears actually helps us make a plan to overcome or avoid them. 

Now that we have the feelings we want - let’s plant them firmly in our minds. After all, reaching our weight loss journey goals starts with feelings, but if we don’t turn those feelings into a positive mindset, we will struggle to keep going.

Motivational quotes or mantras can be incredibly helpful in keeping you motivated. You’ll want to have them handy for those moments when you are tempted to skip meal prep or grab junk food instead of a healthy snack that supports fat loss.

An easy way to keep these quotes in your face is to create a phone or computer background of some inspirational images and quotes that can be a reminder for you every day. You can do so for free with Canva.

Weight Loss Motivation Inspirational Quotes

If you’re constantly telling yourself “I want to lose weight for my wedding”, but it just seems so hard to stay motivated to lose weight while you’re so busy with wedding planning (especially since you need to lose weight in a healthy way, not an unhealthy way), you might want to read some inspirational quotes, to help get your motivation back up.

Here are some of my fave quotes - but absolutely spend some time on Pinterest or Insta finding some that speak to you!

I want to see what happens when I don’t give up 

It can be a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up 

You don’t have to be extreme, just be consistent 

Be stronger than your excuses 

I am confident with my choices

I am taking good care of myself 

My body can do it, now it’s time to convince my mind

Consistency doesn’t mean never messing up, it means never giving up

Someone busier than me is meal prepping right now 

I’m becoming the person I should’ve been a long time ago 

How to Use these Quotes to Motivate You

Once you have chosen the quotes that make you feel motivated, you need a plan. Just writing them down on a piece of paper is not going to magically motivate you to stay on track toward reaching your goals.

Here are my recommendations:

Write each quote on its own sticky note and stick them in places you will see them every day.

Example: Your bathroom mirror, the wall next to your stove, the dashboard of your car (just don’t try to read it while you drive, ha ha!)

Memorize your top two or three quotes and repeat them to yourself when you are driving or taking a bathroom break at work.

Tell a trusted friend about your goals and either share some quotes with her or ask her to remind you to read a motivational quote any time she sees you struggling.

Make screensavers and background screens for your computer, phone, tablet, any electronic device you use daily. Make them colorful and something you WANT to look at. It will give you plenty of time to look at the quotes, without actually wasting any time of it.

More Tips for Weight Loss Success

  • Make sure you set yourself up for success. Even the best motivation in the world might not save you if you don’t have what you need to make healthy choices. 

  • If you are busy you’ll want to meal prep ahead of time to be sure you have healthy meals to bring along. 

  • To make meal prep easier, you’ll need to make sure you have enough meal prep containers and room in your fridge. A little organization will go a long way, especially when you’re wedding planning.

  • Plan your meals weekly, or even monthly, as well. Knowing what to make makes cooking dinner a lot easier, and it gives you plenty of time to focus on other wedding planning tasks, without having to think about your food constantly. 

  • Use your meal plan to grocery shop weekly. Limiting time at the store will limit your temptation to buy extras that don’t help you toward your goals.

  • Make an exercise plan. An exercise plan will help you stay active and stay on track, without having to worry about what workouts to do and how often - you’ll already know that in advance, so you’ll be able to plan and organize. Being organized will help you stay motivated to lose weight in a healthy way. Plus, organization is key for wedding planning. 

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