How To Lose Top Belly Fat

How To Lose Top Belly Fat

Whether you have a habit of sucking your stomach in a little for pictures or just want to fit into your wedding dress a bit better, trying to lose belly fat is at the top of the list for many brides to be (and people in general).

Getting rid of belly fat can not only make you look and feel good about yourself, but it can also help you improve your overall health. Larger waistlines are often associated with heart disease, diabetes, etc., and losing belly fat can help reduce these risks while also improving blood circulation and sleep.

There are different kinds of belly fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral or intra-abdominal fat. What makes fats in the upper abdomen different from lower abdominal fats is the fact that visceral fat is behind the abdominal wall and can’t be seen. Subcutaneous fat on the other hand is the type of fat you can pinch with your fingers.

There are many factors that contribute to the accumulation of top belly fat. In this post, I’ll share a guide on how to effectively lose upper belly fat so you can shrink your waist size and look and feel your best.

How To Lose Top Belly Fat

Cut down on salt intake 

Did you know? The more salt you eat, the higher the increase in weight gain. In fact, for every 1-gram of salt you intake per day, that increase in salt is associated with a 15% increased risk of obesity, according to this Nutrition Research study.

That’s right. Higher salt intake is significantly related to higher abdominal obesity. If you want to lose top belly fat, cut back on the amount of salt you eat. A simple way to do that is to reduce the amount of processed foods so you can have more control over the amount of salt you consume on a day to day.

Yes, that means cutting out a lot of the prepackaged snacks like chips and skipping on the fries at many burger joints… and if you must, ask for your order to be made salt free.

Drink alcohol in moderation  

Abdominal obesity can come from causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Alcohol being one of them. Ever heard of the term “beer belly”? Beer isn’t the only culprit. Consuming alcohol may be the main thing contributing to your weight gain. If you want to shrink your waist size and lose belly fat, then you’ll have to either eliminate alcohol or drink it in moderation. 

Alcohol contributes to weight gain and belly fat because it stops your body from burning fat, makes you feel hungry, and makes you crave food high in carbs, salt, or grease. Many mixed drinks are also high in calories. If you want to lose weight, reduce the number of social gatherings you partake in that revolve around alcohol or opt for a mocktail instead. You can also practice drinking alcohol in moderation or eliminate it all together to cut belly fat.

Strengthen core muscles

One sure way to reduce body fat is to practice strength training. Target belly fat with strength training exercises and workouts that target your core to help you tone your abdominal muscles, back, and pelvis and also help to reduce your muscle mass and lose belly fat. Try your hand at ab workouts that target your the rectus abdomens, internal oblique, external oblique, and transversus abdominis.

The most effective workouts for losing belly fat are planks, dead bugs, and dumbbell side bends. These workouts all target belly fat to help you trim your waist size and lose weight in your midsection.

Manage stress

Have you ever heard of a stress belly? I didn’t even know it was a thing until recently, but apparently it is! While it’s not a medical condition, it is a common phenomenon that can happen as a result of stress. (Yes, another excuse to go ahead and book that spa appointment). 

Stress hormones affect the body in different ways, including your contributing to your weight and belly fat. The reasoning for this is because stress hormones have high levels of cortisol, which is associated with belly fat.

By taking proper measures to manage your stress, you can help with losing upper belly fat, especially if it’s due to a long history of stress or putting yourself in high stress related situations. You can try adding more self care regimens to your day like running a warm bath, listening to calming music, meditating, reading a good book, or even going on a social media detox (or an unfollow spree) if it’s contributing to your mental health. You can also reduce the mental load you take on on a day to day by practicing mindfulness and being more intentional with what you say yes or no to – especially if you’ve already overextended yourself.

Increase your intake of nutrient-dense foods

When you’re wanting to lose weight, there’s no way around maintaining a healthy diet. Yes, I’m sure you already know to eat more fruits, vegetables, and drink water. But maintaining a healthy diet also includes taking it a step further by making the commitment to also choose healthy fats, eat more protein, and limit sugary drinks to do what’s needed to shrink your waist size.

Eating a diet that consists of healthy fats like avocado, nuts and olive oil is an easy way to incorporate better choices into your diet. Also, opt for meals that are high in protein and low in carbs can also help you when on the journey of losing upper body fat.

Getting enough sleep

We all need proper rest in order to maintain good health and allow our bodies to recover. Getting enough sleep also gives you the opportunity to “fast” and eat less. It’s not rocket science. If you’re up longer, you’ll likely get hungry again and reach for another snack or meal. The more you sleep, the less calories you eat, and the less caloric intake you have to burn off with physical activity. 

Getting adequate sleep looks like a solid 8 hours a night. Studies at the National Institute of Health also show that getting 6 hours or less a night of sleep can contribute to losing less fat. So get your rest! 

Moving your body more

Abs are made in the kitchen, and they’re also refined in the gym. If you want to lose weight, it’s simple math. Burn more calories than you eat. Burning calories doesn’t have to be done in a long or grueling workout. You can make it fun by trying out dance fitness, kickboxing, or other strength training exercises. The point is to move your body! 

Experiment with physical activity and practice burning calories in whatever way helps give you the most traction and transformation. Living a stagnant lifestyle is what contributes to weight gain. Target your belly fat by incorporating movements that engage your core abdominals.

Best Foods For Belly Fat Loss

When desiring to lose belly fat, aim for foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and antioxidants to help promote fat loss, and choose beverages that have metabolism-boosting properties to help promote weight loss and reduce belly fat.

Here are a few examples of the best foods for belly fat loss.

  • Salmon - 3oz, twice a week

  • Sardines - 3oz, twice a week

  • Coffee - 400 mg a day

  • Green tea - 2-3 cups daily

  • Whole eggs - up to 3 eggs a week

  • Full-fat Greek yogurt - 2 servings daily

  • Chili peppers - several times a week

As you can see, losing top belly fat can be done with the right diet and exercise. The biggest hiccup many people make is lack of awareness. Now that you are educated about the type of food and habits that contribute to belly fat, you are well on your way to losing the belly fat you need. 

Next surround yourself with a community of people who are on similar journeys to you so you can stay motivated and encouraged throughout your journey. 

Need some extra wedding weight loss motivation? We’ve got you covered with these weight loss motivation inspirational quotes to help you stay motivated to lose weight even if you’re so busy with wedding planning.

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