10 Wedding Day Lunch Ideas


Everyone knows the regular pre-wedding preparation tasks: beauty sleep, putting on a face mask the day before your wedding, skincare, shaving, makeup, hair, hair masks, and all of the other wedding preparation tasks you’ll do before your big day, and on your big day.

But many forget to think about the wedding day lunch you’ll eat! I know it doesn’t seem as important as other wedding planning things, but what you eat on your big day can have a big impact on how you and your bridal party feels during your wedding. Having wedding planners and organizing your big day is great, but if you don’t feel the best, none of it will matter.

Your wedding is one of the most important days in your life, and you don’t want to ruin it by eating something that will make you feel nauseous or bloated in your wedding dress.

So, the pre-wedding meal is very important not only for you, but also for your bridal party because eating the right wedding day lunch can help you stay energized throughout the whole wedding ceremony and wedding party. It’s also not enough to just eat a protein bar or just fresh fruit - you need energy for your big day! You need to eat something that will make you feel full, while not getting bloated or nauseous.

So, in this post, I’ll share with you some great wedding day lunch ideas that will help you feel and look your best on your special magical day.

10 Wedding Day Lunch Ideas

Caprese Chicken Sheet Pan

This lunch is great for your wedding day lunch! It has lean protein (the chicken), as well as veggies. So, you’ll get all of the nutrients you need to keep you refreshed and feeling great on your big day.

421 calories


  • 6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw - 190 calories

  • ½ cup Asparagus spears - 13.5 calories

  • ½ Onion, yellow - 27.5 calories

  • ½ Bell pepper, red - 18.5 calories

  • 2 oz Cheese, sliced, mozzarella, full fat/ regular - 160 calories

  • ½ Tomato, medium - 11 calories

  • 1 Basil, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Oregano, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Salt, dash - 0 calories


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper & spray it with an oil spray

  3. Thinly sliced to bell peppers and onion

  4. Cut off hard ends of asparagus and discard

  5. Add veggies and chicken to a baking sheet

  6. Top chicken with sliced tomato and mozzarella

  7. Top chicken and veggies with seasonings

  8. Bake for 30 minutes

  9. Use an instant-read thermometer to make sure chicken gets to 165 degrees internally

  10. No chicken? Use tofu or fish. No dairy? Use a dairy-free cheese.

Asian-Inspired Chicken Stir Fry

Another chicken & veggie lunch idea that will help you stay away from being bloated in your wedding dress on your big day.

403 calories


  • 6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw - 190 calories

  • 1 Zucchini, medium - 33 calories

  • 1 Bell pepper, red - 37 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Tomatoes, sun-dried - 17 calories

  • ⅛ cup Peanuts (cups) - 96 calories

  • 1 tsp Red pepper flakes, dash - 0 calories

  • 2 Tbsp Soy Ginger sauce - 30 calories


  1. Cube chicken. Chop veggies into small pieces.

  2. Spray pan with an oil spray.

  3. Cook chicken for ~8 minutes, stirring frequently, on medium heat.

  4. Add in the zucchini and red bell peppers for another ~5 minutes.

  5. Add in sauce and top with seasonings, sun dried tomatoes for ~1 minute.

  6. Top peanuts at the very end (they taste better crispy, not cooked!).

  7. Note: I got my soy ginger sauce at Whole Foods. No soy ginger sauce? Use soy sauce.

  8. No chicken? Use fish, tofu, or beans. No nuts? Feel free to use any other nut/seed you prefer – cashews would work well.

Ground Turkey Bowl with Sweet Potatoes

Another great type of meat to eat on your wedding day is turkey. Just like chicken, it’s lean, so it won’t make you bloated, and then you pair it with sweet potatoes which are your healthy carb of choice for this lunch, you’ll have the energy you need the whole day.


385 calories


  • 3 oz Ground turkey, 93% lean, raw - 129 calories

  • ½ Bell pepper, red - 18.5 calories

  • ½ Bell pepper, green - 13.5 calories

  • ⅓ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella - 112 calories

  • 1 Potato, sweet, medium, 5 inches - 112 calories

  • 1 Cumin, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 tsp Red pepper flakes, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Salt, dash - 0 calories


  1. Poke holes in baked potato on top & bottom with a fork 

  2. Microwave for 8 minutes, flipping potato over halfway through. Once cooked, slice in to small pieces.

  3. While potato is cooking, spray pan with an oil spray, cook ground turkey and bell pepper (chopped into medium-sized pieces) on medium heat until cooked through, ~8 minutes 

  4. Add rest of ingredients into the pan and heat through, ~3 minutes 

Cauliflower Fried Rice Box

For some people, rice isn’t the best for digestion. So, if you’re one of those people, this cauliflower fried rice box is the perfect lunch. It includes the main meal (the cauliflower fried rice) which will make you feel full but not bloated, and it also includes snacks you can eat before or after the main meal, while you’re getting ready.


392 calories


  • 2 Egg, large - 144 calories

  • 1 Apple, small - 77 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Peanut butter (Tbsp) - 94 calories

  • 1 cup Cauliflower rice, raw (already riced) - 38 calories

  • ½ cup Carrots, baby - 22.5 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Soy sauce (Tbsp) - 0 calories

  • ½ Cucumber, small - 16 calories

  • 1 Everyday seasoning, dash - 0 calories


  1. Spray a pan with an oil spray. Stir-fry cauliflower rice ~6 minutes, until you see some browning.

  2. Once cooled, add in diced cucumber, diced carrots, and soy sauce.

  3. Hard boil eggs, top with everything bagel season.

Avocado Chicken Fresh Salad

A salad with healthy fats (avocado), a lean protein (chicken), and veggies, is a great option for your wedding day lunch, because it will give you all of the nutrients and energy you need for your big day and help you feel full.

378 calories


  • 1 Tomato, medium - 22 calories

  • 2 cups Leafy greens, spinach, raw - 14 calories

  • ½ Avocado, small - 116.5 calories

  • 6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw - 190 calories

  • 2 Tbsp Vinaigrette, light (less than 50 calories per 2 Tbsp) - 35 calories

  • 1 Salt, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Pepper, dash - 0 calories


  1. Slice chicken in medium sized pieces.

  2. Slice avocado and tomato.

  3. Spray pan with an oil spray. Cook chicken pieces for ~8 minutes, turning regularly, until cooked through.

  4. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

  5. No chicken? Use tofu, fish, or beans.

  6. Note: I like Trader Joe’s fat free vinaigrette – but Paul Newman, Whole Foods, etc. all have good light dressings.

Zucchini with Turkey Burger and Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is another way to get healthy fats into your body, so pairing it with a turkey burger and zucchini checks off all of the food groups you need on your wedding day.

354 calories


  • 1 Zucchini, medium - 33 calories

  • 1 Squash, summer, yellow - 31 calories

  • 1 Yogurt, plain, Greek, 2%, single-serving container - 110 calories

  • 1 Burger patty, turkey (fresh or frozen) - 180 calories

  • 1 Garlic salt, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Pepper, dash - 0 calories


  1. Slice zucchini into coin shapes.

  2. Cook burger ~4 minutes on each side on medium heat, until cooked through.

  3. For the last 5 minutes, add in zucchini. 

  4. Season.

  5. Have yogurt on the side.

  6. No dairy? Have a dairy free yogurt, or bacon. No meat? Use any other kind of burger patty.

Curry Chicken and Rice

If rice doesn’t bother your stomach, this curry chicken and rice dish can be the perfect lunch for you and your bridal party on your wedding day. It’s not too heavy, will help you feel full, and it will keep you energized throughout your wedding party.


421 calories


  • ½ cup Rice, cooked - 110 calories

  • ¼ Onion, yellow - 13.75 calories

  • 1 Curry powder, dash - 0 calories

  • ¼ Tbsp Curry paste - 2.5 calories

  • 3 oz Coconut milk, reduced fat (oz) - 105 calories

  • 6 oz Chicken thigh, boneless, skinless, raw - 190 calories

  • 1 tsp Red pepper flakes, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Salt, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Cilantro - 0 calories

  • ⅓ Tbsp Garlic, minced (Tbsp) - 0 calories


  1. This recipe works best when making 2-3+ servings.

  2. Cube raw chicken and dice onion.

  3. Spray pan with an oil spray.

  4. Stir-fry garlic (1/3 Tbsp = 1 tsp) and onion for ~6 minutes.

  5. Add in chicken, curry powder, curry paste, and spices. Stir for another 4-5 minutes on lowest heat.

  6. Add in coconut milk, let simmer for as long as you like.

  7. Cook rice as instructed on package if not already cooked.

  8. When ready to eat, top rice with curry chicken. Season with cilantro.

  9. Notes: You can absolutely also use a pre-made curry sauce if you prefer. Track your ingredients it ahead of time to make sure your calories are in check. No chicken? Use tofu.

Greek Inspired Salmon Bowl

Salmon has so many nutrients in it, and it’s amazing for your wedding day. It’s not high in calories, it won’t make you bloated, and pairing it with a greek bowl will give you the perfect lunch.


550 calories


  • 4 oz Salmon filet - 200 calories

  • ½ cup Beans & legumes, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), cooked - 134 calories

  • ¼ Onion, red - 13.75 calories

  • 1 cup Tomatoes, grape - 32 calories

  • 2 cups Leafy greens, lettuce, raw - 10 calories

  • 4 Tbsp Tzatziki sauce - 160 calories

  • 1 Garlic salt, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Basil, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Oregano, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Pepper, dash - 0 calories


  1. Preheat oven to 425 deg F

  2. Line a baking sheet with tin foil or parchment paper

  3. Spray it with an oil spray

  4. Bake salmon for 15 mins

  5. While salmon is baking, dice onion, and slice tomatoes into quarters

  6. When salmon is done, add all ingredients into a bowl

  7. Top with seasonings

Grilled Chicken with Israeli Salad

Another chicken lunch idea that will make you energized without being bloated in your wedding dress.

393 calories


  • 1 Cucumber, small - 32 calories

  • ½ cup Tomatoes, grape - 16 calories

  • ¼ cup Cheese, crumbled, feta - 99.75 calories

  • 2 cups Leafy greens, arugula, raw - 10 calories

  • ½ Avocado, small - 116.5 calories

  • 2.4 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw - 76 calories

  • ½ oz Olives, sliced - 25 calories

  • 1 Tbsp Vinaigrette, light (less than 50 calories per 2 Tbsp) - 17.5 calories

  • 1 Basil, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Oregano, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Salt, dash - 0 calories

  • 1 Pepper, dash - 0 calories


  1. Spray a pan with an oil spray.

  2. Cut chicken into small pieces.

  3. Cook chicken on medium heat ~10 minutes, until cooked through.

  4. Chop tomato, cucumber and arugula, salad dressing, and seasonings.

  5. No chicken? Use tofu or tuna. No dairy? Use more olives or oil.

  6. Note: I like Trader Joe’s fat free vinaigrette – but Paul Newman, Whole Foods, etc. all have good light dressings.

Caprese Salad

You can never go wrong with a caprese salad. The creamy mozzarella and heirloom tomatoes topped with fresh leafy basil and olive oil make for the perfect bite on your big day to keep you nourished and energized without feeling bloated.

295 calories


  • 2 oz Cheese, sliced, mozzarella, full fat/ regular - 140 calories

  • ½ Avocado, small - 116.5 calories

  • 1 Tomato, medium - 22 calories

  • 2 cups Leafy greens, lettuce, raw - 10 calories

  • 2 Tbsp Red wine vinegar (Tbsp) - 6 calories

  • ¼ tsp Pepper - 0 calories

  • ¼ tsp Basil, dried - 0 calories

  • ¼ tsp Oregano - 0 calories


  1. Slice tomato & chop avocado into small chunks

  2. Mix all ingredients together

  3. No dairy? Use extra avocado

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