The Wedding Nutritionist

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What To Do On The Day Of Your Wedding

There are a few days in life that we’ll always remember. It could be a milestone birthday, first trip out of the country, the day your children are born, and for many —their wedding day. 

A wedding is a big milestone in a person's life. It’s a day little girls dream of all their life, and a day that finally happens once they’ve met their “prince charming” and the love of their life. You know it’s also a big day when the average wedding cost in America today is around $33,000, so especially at that price tag, it’s sure to be a day many will never forget. 

It usually takes months to prepare everything that goes into the wedding ceremony and reception, wedding party and other events leading up to the big day. The wedding day itself can be full of excitement and anticipation. However, the things you do before the actual ceremony can impact your mindset and make the day even more memorable (in a good or not so good way).

So today, I’m sharing a guide on what you can do on your big day to make sure it’s a day that lives up to all you’ve ever dreamed it could be.

What To Do On The Day Of Your Wedding

While most of the prep work should be taken care of in the days before the wedding, here are a few ideas of things to consider for the day of…  

Important things to do on your wedding day

Check the weather 

If it’s cloudy with a chance of rain, be sure to pack enough umbrellas and ponchos, if necessary just in case. And even if the weather isn’t ideal, embrace the imperfections as a day you’ll remember and try to focus on the person you’re getting to marry more so than the wedding itself.

Eat for fuel

It’s going to be a long day. The last thing you’ll want to be is hangry waiting on cocktail hour or the reception to start. Stay fueled and start the day with a nutritious breakfast and high protein snacks to keep you and your wedding party energized and ready to celebrate the night away. You’ll be glad you put something on your stomach – especially if you’re wanting to partake in alcoholic beverages. If you need ideas, try these wedding day snacks and wedding breakfast ideas to keep you feeling full and fueled.

Arrive early enough for hair and makeup

I’m sure you’ve already calculated how much time you’re going to allot yourself and the bridal party for hair and makeup. However, pack the car and bring stuff to the venue the night before so you can give yourself enough time to arrive early enough for hair and makeup applications.

Practice your speech

If you’ve got one prepared, it’s a good idea to rehearse what you’re going to say so you can have it locked in — if you’re not one to freestyle it at the moment.

Calm your nerves

It’s natural to feel super nervous on your big day. Try to pinpoint what’s contributing to your nerves. Like what thoughts are coming up for you? Getting cold feet, thinking you’ll forget your speech, worrying about something else? Whatever the case may be, try to take some deep breaths, get out of your head, and focus on the positive things happening around you.

Rely on your help

If you have a wedding planner, much of the pre wedding prep should already be taken care of so you can have as much of a stress free day as possible. However, even if you didn’t hire a wedding planner, whoever is coordinating your wedding whether it be family members or friends, try to lean back and put your trust in them. Allow them to take care of things for you – the things they said they would do.

Essentials to pack/bring to the venue


Speaking of packing the car, there can be a lot of chaos happening the day of your wedding, and time will go by SO quickly! With nerves on an all-time high and with snacking throughout the getting ready process, you’ll want to be sure to have some extra toiletry essentials like deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste to freshen up when you need to since it’ll be a long day from the start.

Pack your list of vendor and wedding party contact information

That away anyone can reach out to anyone they need without having to interrupt your getting ready process.

Button-up shirt or robe

You’ll want to wear something that can be easily taken on and off without messing up your hair or makeup (when getting your hair and makeup done) like a button down shirt or robe.

Emergency kit

There are some absolute essentials that you’ll want to have on hand the morning of your wedding, and there are some nice to haves as well. Everyone should have extra bobby pins, fashion tape, stain remover, breath mints, razors, bandaids, and tissue, etc. Depending on the time of year you get married (and whether or not it’s indoors or out) you may want to include bug spray and sunscreen. And in it you’ll want to also include drinking straws to help keep everyone’s lipstick intact once everyone’s makeup is freshly done.

Pack your car.

Besides packing the car with your wedding dress and other wedding day attire, accessories, and emergency kit, you’ll also want to be sure you pack any gifts or tips you plan to distribute to your bridal party and vendors.

Bridesmaid essentials on your wedding day

Double-check the wedding day necessities

Think wedding dress, flip flops, lip balms, and the emergency kit.

Help the bride

Help the bride get dressed, look her best, keep calm, eat, stay hydrated, and not leave anything behind at the venue.

Give a speech

If asked.

Help guests 

Be generous enough to help guests find their way around the venue and if necessary also help them participate in certain wedding activities.

Groomsmen essentials on your wedding day

Arrive early

It’s super important to show up not only on time, but also a little early in many cases just in case you’re needed to be extra hands of support.

Help make sure things run smoothly

Be available to help make sure things run smoothly like in the event that there are any technical issues or if anyone needs help with a last minute emergency that popped up.

Help the groom

Help the groom get ready, look his best, keep calm, eat, stay hydrated, not leave anything behind at the venue, and carry gifts and other items back out to the car.

Give a speech

If asked.

Help guests 

Be generous enough to help guests find their way around the venue, into their seats (if there are no ushers) and if necessary also help them participate in certain wedding activities like getting out on the dance floor.

Romantic things to do on your wedding day

Print out of your vows

Such a sentimental way to help your spouse to be always remember and cherish the beautiful words you prepared (just in case they don’t remember any of the words from the highs of the during the actual ceremony)!

Craft a hand-written letter for your bride/groom

This is such a special and classic way of showing your spouse to be just how much you care on your big day.

Carry the bride over the threshold

Keep up with this tradition as a simple way to be romantic with your partner.

Say a prayer

This can also help calm the both of your nerves.

Take a stroll

Remember the moment forever.

Exchange a sentimental gift

Wedding Day To-Do List

Save this pin.

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